This treatise is written by Michael Yon, an ex-SF medic, now independent reporter embedded in Iraq. Independent meaning he pays his own way, takes his own food, and carried his own equipment (cameras, body armor, etc). He is there to give us a look into what happens there that we CANNOT get from the main-stream - mostly because those guys aren't even out of the hotel, much less traveling on daily missions with the troops.
If you feel so led, please give thought to helping to support Micheal on his odyssey. Any little bit can help, no matter how small.
Blessings to all...
Now from Michael Yon:
There will be huge changes in Iraq this year.
2007 is truly "the year" for Iraq, for various reasons, including the upcoming elections in the United States. Barring an asteroid strike on some major city, the war in Iraq will be the most important topic in 2007. It will also be one of the most under-reported.
There are two types of media sources covering this war: the ones who are here, and those who are not. The media is Missing In Action, and reporting from afar. Yesterday, for instance, major media reported on an attack in a small village north of Mosul. None of those sources actually visited the village. I did.
I'll bring home frontline information all year, or until something sends me home. Please support these dispatches by spreading the links.
The latest dispatches, Desolate Roads are now online. Respectfully,
Michael Yon
Michael Yon
P O Box 416
Westport Pt MA 02791