Feb 24, 2005 20:58
So I started my search for an apartment. I joined this roommates.com site. I gave myself the "NiceGuy22" username. I received two emails in the past two days. They were both women asking to live with me. I'm not sure if it is a good idea. One of the girls sent me a picture of herself right when we started chatting with each other on im. I didn't question her about its relevance to living together but I was curious. She sent me a picture of her and her twin sister. I thought her sister was pretty cute. We talked for a couple hours and might meet up when I head to Massachusetts this weekend. She seems like a very outgoing girl so we'll see what happens. Another person emailed in the past hour, it was from two girls who live in an apartment. The only problem I saw just looking through their profile is that they're kind of far from where I'm going to work. I hope they're unattractive. If they were, I would have to still consider them. Other than that, the day was fairly normal. I can't believe its Thursday night already. I'm getting excited about the Half Marathon. I hope my joints hold up and that the weather is alright. Mitul and I are looking at a high of 31 degrees. I hope it isn't windy. It looks like we're going to freeze our butts off. Whatever, I'll run in between people for two hours perhaps flirt with other runners.