(no subject)

Apr 14, 2007 00:55


I never introduced myself here, but I made comments on some posts. I would have made more if not for language.
It is the best community on the web now. Concerning fanfics, information and the way most of you see John/Paul relationships.

As for me:
I'm from Moscow, 30 yeas old. I've been McCartney fan since 14 or 15, don't remember really. Started with "She Loves You" and ended up loving him for "Rushes", "Standing Stone Symphony", etc. and the great music education he gave me. As a teenager I didn't listen to anything else, but eventually Paul's music brought me to Depeshe Mode, Pink Floyd, Blur, etc. There was a big gap, when I was in the university, I stopped listening to McCartney. Graduated, started working, get married and my husband found Flaming Pie album in my collection. It was the last album I bought, but I listen it only once. And he liked it and so did I. And it was the beginning of the old love for me. I found out that since then Paul had another album Driving Rain, my favorite song was Rinse The Raindrops, and I liked Run Devil Run, though I'm not into Rock'n'Roll, and No Other Baby is just great.

I'm not very good in using all livejournal possibilities. And I have the same picture all the time (my son), but my husband promised me to help me change it.

As for funfiction:
The best is here. I love all poorfrances stories, smilesawakeyou, hb princess, forsomeone & jkg_vader and many more. I’ve written fanfics since I was a teenager, first with my schoolmate, then alone, then I stoped. I found all this fanfiction on the web just a year ago. It inspired me to write again. The first thing I did was continuation for Black Magic Woman by Ms. Moonlight.

I like all discussions you have here about John/Paul relationships. Sorry, I don't comment all the time, but it takes too long for me to formulate what exactly I want to say. Besides most your comments just exactly what I think myself.

I wanted to share this article about 1970 lawsuit. Probably you've already seen it. Now it is more common that people solve their problems in court. But I suppose in the 70-s and for a rock group like Beatles to end up like this was really embarrassing. I know there are people here who lived closer to that time; probably they would have something to say.
The question is whether Paul did the right thing when he filed the suit against his friends or there was some other way.

This is the link:


Sorry for such a long post and my grammar mistakes.
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