
Sep 02, 2008 07:08

I decided to take djembe lessons.

A couple of months ago I tried my hand at getting some sort of sound out of the drum and that seemed to work pretty well. So I decided this was something I might want to pursue, as it has been a long time since I had any notable hobby, let alone a musical one. I was actually serious enough about it to get my own drum.

Last weekend I attended a workshop. I spent the last two days figuring out my requirements for a teacher and matching them against the available options. In the end I preferred the harder route of joining a more serious one over the 'let all join in' approach for the immediate. One of the drawbacks is that it is actually not so easy to form a new group of beginners. However, I expect to be starting next week or so, even if the location has not been settled on as of yet.


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