Nov 04, 2005 19:42
Well, here I am, I'm at Home.I do rather miss Scotland at time. When I was coming back, on the train over the Forth rail bridge, and the sun was just setting over the hills, reflecting off of the water, I had to think "wow, I live in a pretty cool country". And I do!
So it's nice to be home! What've I done today?
o slept in!
o watched Trisha and it made me ask - good Lord, what on EARTH is wrong with people in this country? It was this whole one about chavs who have babies, and then no-one knows who the father is because they slept with loads of guys around the same time. I mean, WTF?
o watching the Ricky Lake show and it made me ask - good Lord, what on EARTH is wrong with people in America? It was this whole one about men with pregnant girlfriends, who're saying "if you don't give birth to a boy/girl/goat/whatever, I'm leaving you!". I mean, WTF?
o ironed. For the first time. In forever.
o eaten a decent meal, for the first time in AGES. My tummy kinda hurts now. In a good way! : D
o talked to my dad, for the first time in ages. He's coming up tomorrow to take me and Olivia out for lunch and a movie or something. And, erm, he's bringing his girlfriend Audrey and her 12 year old daughter, Rachel with her. Uh. Why? Also, he asked me on the phone "so, um, Jerrard, do you think that when you meet Audrey you could act as straight as you can?". Uh, WTF? Again?
o party at Nikki's tomorrow! XD
o and now everyone's out. Feck. What to do...