Jan 19, 2010 09:28
I decided last night that I was going to walk to work this morning. I've done it before. Summer before last, I probably walked to work more than I drove. It was glorious. I felt healthier, I ate better, and my pants fit.
This morning, it was a little chilly, so I hit snooze and thought about the convenience of driving. I love my bed; it's comfortable and plush and I totally treated myself when I bought those sheets. But my bed has become too powerful. It's like acid to my resolve.
As I lay there, two things kept running through my mind. The first was phase three, in which I resolved to walk to work more often than I drive. The second was that I had gone to bed wearing socks, which I almost never do.
The sock thing was irrelevant, though it might have been a contributing factor to me being a little less hesitant in tossing back the comforter and putting my feet firmly on the chilly wood floor.
I might have gotten a slightly later start than I would have liked, but my butt made the two mile trek without incident. And it felt good. I'm not a fan of arriving to work with a nice sheen of sweat on my forehead, but I feel invigorated and ready to tackle the day.
Could this uphill walk really be better than coffee? Ask me in a few hours.
phase 3,