Mest show and myspace

Sep 29, 2005 23:42

Hey everyone, this is what I posted on myspace about the Mest show, to see my myspace page, go to

Hey, just got back from the mest show. I went to cincinatti tonight to see Mest and Social Distortion. I went with Kathryn and at first we passed up our cincinatti exit like by 16 exits. We pulled over and asked a manager at Steak and Shake how to get to Bogarts. He told us and said good luck on getting to your show on time, we rushed out, this was about 7:45, the show starts at 8:00. I speed all the way to the exit and we get to the show only to miss the opening band. We get really close and we watch Mest do their set, it was awesome. Played three new songs from their upcoming album "Photographs" and of course all the other good hits. Fuck the Greyhound bus was of course my favorite or maybe Drawing Board. Jeremiah didn't sing any, which can be dissapointing. The mosh pit was an interesting mix also. Anyways, they finish the show and me and Kat go over to the up merch booth to wait for them. We wait about 30 minutes and social distortion starts. All of the sudden, Kat, "tony's behind us", I look and sure enough, theirs the lead singer with the drummer Nick. We've met both of them before at the Warped Tour. I tell Kat to go talk to him and she becomes all shy and is like no. He goes to the bar with some chic and dissapears, Nick is still there though so we talk to him for a little bit about how things are going and everything. Remember that this is also being spritzed by random passed out people being carried to the bar to bring them back to life. A girl is brought up and tony appears and helps her awaken. Kathryn finally goes and talks to him and he talks about her small accent. I tell him to come to Kentucky some time, we'd love to see him here. We talk a little bit more and we leave. Now on the way home, this is the fun part, Kathryn goes all Screamo on me. She starts screaming Mest songs like "What's the Dillio" "Fuck the Greyhound" "Drawing Board" and a couple of other ones. I was about to piss my pants because she was screaming these songs. Then she screamed to "Brad and Janet" the rocky horror song, haha. I was dying. When then went to waffle house and ate some breakfast, then I dropped her off and we came home. Anyways, It was fun! Talk to you all later, Jeremy/Chuck/Worm
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