Feb 18, 2006 12:08
ok....first of all this past Thrusday my band played at Club Farenhiet and we were told that the drums would be mic'd and that vocals would come out thru all these speakers and we would have a PA...well guess what it was bullshit....the Hermes sound guy never showed up, plus the crowd never showed up...for being Battle of the Bands there was NO ONE it was us other band, about 3 parents, the staff and about 4 ppl....IT SUCKED ASS...also when we were playin there was no fuckin light we had one little spotlight that was in back of us and thats it....Farenhit has bad ass lights but they didnt turn them on for us....fucking assholes...when we finished playing Still Born played and they had the same problem but they had more fans like 4, and then Salerium played and they were awesome from what i heard cuz the Mic kept dying and they had lights when i say they had lights i mean that the club put on the house lights and kept them on thru out there performance, u can just hear the singer yell out "turn off the lights" everyonce in awhile. we were told that first place would get money and 2nd and 3rd would get something also but since only 3 bands played and there was NO crowd they said nevermind....i stayed up till 2 in the morning cuz of that show and for nothing.
2nd today we are gonna kick ass because we are playing at Taconasos a little bar and grill thats just opening and this time our fans can go cuz theres no bullshit 18 and over there and im sure were gonna have lights, we are gonna kick ass tonight...i love little shows like this just like the VFW. Fuck the clubs and Fuck art venues. We are gonna have a WAll of Death at this show and if not here than at the VF i cant wait...i'll post something up after we play, hopefully we do good.