Jan 28, 2003 23:25
Today in class some kid answered a question and proceed to tell the rest of the class he saw the answer on the Montel show.
IN a perfect world:
Kid: Yeah i saw that on Montel
Teacher: Excuse me?
Kid: you know the Montel show
Teacher: (Exhales soundly) thats what i thought you said.
Teacher: I hate to do this to a new a student but.... get out.
Kid: What?!
Teacher:...get out
Kid: I dont understand?
Kid: Im sorry Wah wah wah (crying ensues as the kid runs out of the classroom in tears.)
Teacher: Montel (exhales soundly)...fuck that kid.
(cross kids name out of his grade book)
From the back of the classroom on kid stands up and starts clapping slowly at first but gradiually gaining mommentium. Then the rest of the class stands up and a thunderious applause Ensues.)
Teacher: Well i dont know what to say. (Stands up and takes a bow.) I mean that kid watches the Montel show what a pussy.
Ahhhhh in a perfect world. Then maybe i would go to class.