CRUISEE>>> all i can say is that.. it was hell of a good time...
.. our room number...
.. i like these glasses that belong to a boy i hardly know...
i like to get my back rubbedd to da dubb...
there was a circus...
bridgets a trip..
i luv davide..
one side of the table... playing scrabble and taboo.
.. c=los... or ANDREW?? other side of the table...
when the motha russias got in a fight at the club.
.. wiht the prada israeli shirt boy.
.. new years.
.. lotz of food...
common thing at 3am.. fight wit the tan asian security guard.
.. my fav.. hudson.
.. o passed out.
... ice cream machines. 31 year old man who was on a cruise with his fiance.. and was waiting hunting around for crazy girls... BITCHES U INN OR U OUTTT.
i luv my gunit thug.
.. the ugly cruise.. o goddd. what a trip...
ALEX WE"RE GETTING MARRIED>> also tal i luv ya babe... we didn't take any pics together.. but we'll hang out for sure.. i luv raquel. i miss bridget.. michelle i'll prob see u.. hahahah