Nov 30, 2004 16:53
1. First best friend: amanda miller or my mom?
2. First love: haven't luved anybody yet besides my fam, dog and compania!
3. First real kiss: on a cruise
4. First screen name: rockstarqt69
5. First pet: gina.. a german shephard
6. First car: LUCIFER>>>>>audi a4
1. Last cigarette: at blue cafe
2. Last real kiss: ?
3. Last good cry: last tuesday
4. Last beverage drank: aquafina
5. Last food consumed: fruit snacks
6. Last crush: it's a secret.
7. Last phone call: david from michaels travels called
1. Who is your best friend: do i have any?
2. Do you have a girlfriend/boyfriend: NOOOOO
1. Where are your favorite places to shop: neiman, saks, dior, bloomingales, eluxury
2. Favorite item of clothes: juicy pants
1. Do you do drugs: no
2. What kind of shampoo do you use: nexus hair thickenin and others.
3. What are you most scared of: bees and the dark
4. What would you change about yourself: my boobs.
1. Colors: green, pink, grey, orange, purple, black.
2. Foods: everything but fish
3. Subject in school: chem and physio
4. Animals: toy dawgs like my qt dior.. the chihuahua
5. Sports: DANCE TEAMMM>..
6. Movie: mean girls, how to lose a guy in 10 days, scarface
1. Given anyone a bath: my bro when he was a baby.. o yeah and my dawg
2. Smoked: a cigarette yes.... other stuff: n/a
3. Made yourself throw-up: yes
4. Skinny dipped: yes
5. Been in love: mayb
1. Clothes: chrome hearts sweats, this shirt, juicy turtleneck, prada jacket, red juicy jacket brandon bought me, haird tail jacket and fendi scarf.
2. Music: def eminem's cd is amazing and so is gwens
3. Make-up: just eyeliner...
4. IMs: no on.
1. Kissed: ?
2. Hugged: kaitlyn after dance
3. IMed: who knows?
4. Last person who slept at your house: wow who knows??
5. Last persons house you slept at: christine's
1. In the morning I am: still half asleep
2. Love is: is their such thing?
3. I dream about: future.. or what i just thought about last.
1. 7 years ago: last time i saw snow.. whistler right ahead of me!!
2. 4 years ago: 7th grade... colina ugg.
3. 3 years ago: being the oldest in middle skool is the best.
4. 1 hour ago: finished dance and drove home
5. tomorrow: spanish test....
6. college: USC, UCLA, Loyola, PEP per DIN ing.... i want to stay in cali
hannnnuuuukkkkkaaahhh is next week.. wow december is so close. today when i was sitting in my car at the student parking lot.. i looked at where the sign is for the temperature and it said 32 degrees and it was exactly 7:46am... and next to it.. it had a snowflake bc some cars show a snowflake when it is below 40degrees.. thanks carly u told me that. what a cold day.