(no subject)

Jan 09, 2010 03:01

What the hell?!

When was the last time I updated? Many many many times ago. I think about a year?

Where to begin?

So, 2009 for me was an experience. I dated a guy in 2008. His name is José. He's a great guy. All up until Summer. But I'll get to that later.

The beginning of my year was amazing. I felt like I couldn't start the year off any better. I had plans. I was organized. I had my shit together. Or so I thought. I began my second semester here at the University of North Texas in Denton, TX if you can recall from the last time I posted. I met an amazing girl who is now my best friend in my life. I have many friends in my life that have effected my somehow. This one just happens to be here with my. And has stayed with my for a year. I don't know what I would do throughout the year if it wasn't for this girl.

The girl's name is Sonia, by the way.
She was born in San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuata, México. She later moved to Guanajuato, Guanajuato, México. Soon there, at the tender age of 8, she moved to the Metroplex (DFW) and has lived here since.

We met in my Spanish class. I met very interesting people in that class. For example;

Liani is half Mexican, half Puertorriqueña. She hails from the good ol' state of Michigan. She moved to live with her grandmother in Ft Worth, TX after events. She's very cute and great to talk to. I don't talk to her much now.

Amanda is friends with Sonia. Apparently they've known each other for a while. I don't know much of her, but I know she is friends with another friend of Sonia named Abby. Amanda is a Spanish major.

Nathan is...
How else to explain Nathan Phennel? He's a slim built at a stature of 5'7". With gingered hair, his facial expressions can always mystify the person he is speaking with. His passion for traveling has created his decision to major in International Studies in hopes to soon work for an embassy working with legal paperwork and politics involving many different countries. He visited México and studied abroad for the summer. And before we began the semester, he traveled to India for another study. His intelligence and experience with the world would soon woo over Sonia. But not for long.

Jesse is an English major with a passion for anything Spanish. He adores the language and the people who speak it. And with an appearance like his, people adore him, too. Not much is known about Jesse, but his kind heart reflects well in his kind face.

From Jesse, we meet Chance and Bryant.

Chance is an individual that intrigues you to strike up a conversation. His personality is about having a great time and having fun!

A bit more reserved, but blunt. And not blunt in a bad way, either. He has a form of telling you straightforward without fear. It takes a strong individual to do so.

From Chance; we meet Nancy.

A great and genuine person who will be there when you need her. A runner since high school. Her active personality has helped her triumph many obstacles.

I digress.

As the semester progressed, a bond is being formed between the boyfriend at the time and I. I couldn't explain it in any other way expect for using a single word that is the hardest thing to describe. Love.

Summer '09.

The summer of '09 is something I won't forget.
I decided not to take any summer classes to focus more on work. I wanted to impress my parents by letting them know that I can support myself and earn enough money to pay for SOME of my college career. I thought wrong. I became this little selfish bitchy brat who only really thought of himself. But, in reality. Who hasn't don't that from time to time?

After a drunken incident, José and I were not together anymore. We remained good friends and stayed civil. It was a clean breakup, which is what I did appreciate. There was no need for drama.

And then came along Trey.

A photography major (now with a BFA in Photography) who has a thing for latinos. Over the years, he's interest range from across the Americas. But he's anything BUT a whore. He's a loving friend who really cares for the person he talks to. His antics may seem strange and odd to others, I only find attractive.

And Christian.

An audio engineer who moved from Washington D.C. to Texas. Born in Georgia, he later moved to different states like Tennessee and Missouri. His gentle Southern charm is noticeable right away. Especially how he holds a door open for you. Even to a car.

And we can't forget Adam and Tim.
But they don't matter enough to make it to descriptive form.

After José and I split, I wanted to try something new.
So I did.

But after celebrating México's Independence, José and I decided to try things again.

Rewind! I'm getting into September now.
Fall '09 semester.

This was the final straw for me since I failed another class in the Spring semester. My parents were actually giving me another shot at this. I was greatful that they were.
I was actually taking my last Spanish class for my minor in Spanish this semester. And out of all the Spanish classes I could take, I decided to take Spanish linguistics. Oh please kill me.

But I did at least know someone in the class. José! Yes. I had a class with my ex. But it was fine.

Not only that, but I was also taking an environmental science class, with nonetheless, TREY!

So now we're back in September. José and I decided to give things a try again. I broke it off with Trey and Christian (but it was never officially "ON").

After that, I went to a bilingual education conference in Houston. That trip was nothing that I expected. I enjoyed the conference, but the last night I was there, I did not enjoy. I won't go into many details. But since then, José and I broke it off. It hurt this second time.


I went crazy.


I got worse. Depression. Mood swings.

I became more optimistic. I passed my classes!

New Years Eve.
This is one New Years Eve that I won't forget. That is for another post.

To be continued...
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