Jul 18, 2005 21:22
Well I'm officially bored now. I did get to hang out with Pat all day today and I had tons 'o fun over there. Took tons of pic, wish I knew how to put them on here. AND I got to watch 6 episodes of Degrassi which I would otherwise totally miss out on. Bit obsessed with that show...I laughed, I cried...fucking good show! But ocassionally Pat, Dan, and Dan's friend would make fun of it because they're buttheasds. Pat was just mad because he's the last to know, lol. We danced a lot hehe, it wasn't good dancing but it was still fun. Finally got to have some pancakes too. Pat's purdy good at it for a rookie. 'Cept I made a tiny pancake and it looked like Charlie Brown and Pat killed it. I mean he totally deheaditated it, on accident of course so I forgave him. We took a pic of it lying in a puddle of syrup, also know as pancake blood. Oh and by the way I'm pregnant! On the Sims game you silly goose...I'm saving myself until marriage. Anyways, that game is so cool. Pat made a character that looks somewhat like me and got me hooked up with this guy Curtis. Already had one son named Landon and today I just had a baby girl and named her Brody, AWWWW! Then I had to watch the original "the Longest yard". I fell asleep if that tells you anything. I mean it was okay, but it's no Degrassi. When I got home I was seriously let down by NOT having any mail come yet, bleah. I think I'm gonna get my hair cut Wednesday and HOPEFULLY it's gonna look hot, hehe. Guess I won't be seeing Pat again 'til next week :( I'm working Tuesday and Thursday-Sunday, gah. Working double weekends sucks and I think I just don't deserve that bullshit. We started putting Back to school shit up around the store which saddens me. The summer's going by so fast I really haven't got to go anywhere. Hanging out with Pat's been great but I think it'd be so much cooler if we could go somewhere that's not here. And that's the kind of shit you only do over the summer. And ya know what I'm NOT gonna apologize for complaining so much because this is my journal godammit. If you gotta prob I'll shoot you in the damn back so you can never play basketball AGAIN! NNOOOOOO JIMMYYYY! Okay, I told you I was bored. Well I'd say this entry made up for a lot of sucky ones, I actually had something to write about YAY! Ok bye.