I have long watched that
National Novel Writing Month (affectionately dubbed NaNoWriMo) with interest. Every year I have a mild urge to participate, mostly out of the knowledge that I don't write nearly enough. This year I shall be participating, although not in the traditional way.
I don't have a novel in me at the moment. I also don't think I have the time to write an average of two thousand words a day. I do have several short stories trying to escape my head and I think five thousand words a week is doable. Thus, NaSTWriMo is born. I shall write one story per week in November and actually let people read them (which is a slightly terrifying thought). I won't make them publicly available (because that may be an issue if I ever decide to try to publish one of them) but if you're interested in proofing, editing or criticising, drop me an email (or comment on this entry) and I'll make sure you get whatever I have written at some yet-to-be-determined time.