new job

Sep 06, 2006 16:17

I just got back from my first day at the magnet school where I picked up another fencing job. Thirty dollars an hour, and I get to do something I enjoy. Can't beat it. It's experiences like this that re-affirm my plan for myself.

I'm looking foreword to working in a place like this one. It's a little out of my comfort zone, but a welcome challange.

[A is for age]

[B is for booze of choice]
Single Malt Scotch: MacAllan 15 year or better

[C is for career:]

[D is for your drug of choice]

[E is for one essential item you use everyday]
Burt's Bees herbal deodorant

[F is for favorite song at the moment:]
Tom Waits: Hold On

[G is for favorite game:]
L5R ;P

[H is for Hometown:]
Coventry, CT

[I is for instruments you play:]
Fife, Tin Whistle, Violin - in that order

[J is for favorite juice?:]
Odwalla Mango Tango

[K is for kids?:]
Maybe one. Maybe.

[L is for last hug:]
Dave, when I got home a few minutes ago.

[M is for marriage]

It seems like a good idea... but I've found that most people's concept of "forever" is somewhat incomplete.

[N is for nickname:]
Nicknames must be crushed.

[O is for overnight hospital stays:]
Broken arm when I was five.

[P is for phobia's:]

[Q is for quote:]

"Brevity is the soul of wit." - Aristotle

[R is for biggest regret]


[S is for singing:]
In the car when I'm trying not to fall asleep and when I'm drunk and feeling Irish.

[T is for time you woke up:]
8:00 am

[U is for underwear:]
Victoria's Secret "body by victoria" microfiber bikinis. Usually black.

[V is for vegetable you love:]

[W is for worst habit]
Talking too much about game.

[X is for x-rays you've got:]
Broken arm when I was five... He told me that girls couldn't cross the monkey bars as fast as boys. I sure showed him.

[Y is for yummy food you make]
An old recipe for Mashed potatoes from Georgia with sour cream and cream cheese, and Piroshki: little balls of dough stuffed with ground beef, cheddar cheese and potatoes, served with sour cream. People don't so much eat those as inhale them.

[Z is for zodiac sign:]

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