[WA Jeri]

Dec 29, 2009 03:15

I'd ask how things could possibly get more fucked up, but then the universe would show me.

Fuck the dragons. In all seriousness, with all my heart, fuck those faithless bastards.

I feel like I'm losing my mind. I keep talking about walking through a sea of ghosts but I feel like I'm the ghost.

They dont' trust us. I don't blame them. I don't trust them, not even a litt... okay, that's a lie. I don't want to trust them, how's that? These aren't the fucking people who died. Tal and Mekt are mothers. I'm reading that and I still can't believe it - mamas, both of them? And the Mat in this timeline bones women, not just men. Not only women, elf women, how odder a couple can you get than Mat and Darda? Than's a fucking death knight, and I can't seem to go near that one on the inside of my head without shying away and finding myself thinkin about something totally different whether I meant to or not. Tazimi and Kalthain are both dead, Kal was never even a fucking Harbinger, but his son lived on this side and he's an officer and he's married to my double and if that part gets any more fucked up I think I may go into hiding in the Caverns of Time until the bronzes get sick of me and either put an end to me or send me home.

And with all that shit I still can't bring myself to not trust them. They're not my people, they're not my unit, but as long as they're wearing that tabard I can't...

Thank the Loas for Mat. And for Windstriker. And Aelanisian. Mat and Aelan aren't mine but they're close enough to take the edge off of the crazy. Ceirin doesn't seem to give a damn if I'm the Jeria who belongs here or not as long as I do my job when we're in the field. I'm hoping between the three of 'em I can keep myself from going nuts till Eli's back on her feet.

Loas have mercy, I need her back up on her feet. My back feels naked without someone watchin it.
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