Aug 13, 2012 14:38
This has been bugging me this afternoon for no particular reason. I have a memory of an animated special that I saw one Thanksgiving Day afternoon waaaaaaay back in the late 70's or early eighties (more likely the former). My brain wants to say it was on one of the Big Three networks, but they would have had football on, so it's more likely to have been the counter-programming WDCA Channel 20 always showed (which usually involved playing an animated version of Return to Oz for some reason). For life of me I can't remember the name of the special or the plot, but I do remember:
1. It involved settlers heading out to another planet in rocket powered covered wagons.
2. There was a line in the opening song that referred to "That mess we left behind." which makes me inclined to think there was an eco-friendly message in the show, which would make sense for the time period (remember when being ecology-minded was non political?)
I remember absolutely nothing else about this show, except that it existed, and I only saw it once.