Remember how I was whinging mid-April about my slow sales? I should have kept my mouth shut. IN the end I did get 11 sales total from
Captive of the Red Vixen and a couple of my other books. This time, I seriously dout I'll meet CotRV's usual ten sales average. I've gotten two sales from Amazon, plus one at, plus a single sale on
Teal's Bargain and that's it. I think at this point I've seriously exhausted my furry readership sales, which makes cranking out I Fought the Claw an imperative to have an interim piece to keep the attention of readers while I complete Shadow of the Red Vixen.
Meanwhile, I got a little surprise today when I received notice of a deposit to my PayPal account from Lulu. It seems I've been getting some sneak sales though the Barnes & Noble's website since they're offering Nook compatile copies of
Unexpected Diversions and
The Dragon's Companion based off the pdf's you can purchase from Which makes me wonder if it would be worth the trouble of converting my two other longer works, CotRV and
Triumvirate to dead tree compatible formats and sell them there as well. It would be a bit of pain, but every new sale is a new sale.