Nov 30, 2011 20:18
So this morning I started a software update for my PS3. At 99% that installation stalled out and I couldn't enter Safe Mode to stop the update process. After calling the Sony help line, they couldn't help either and decided it would have to sent in for service.
The problem is that the extended service plan is stating Tracy bought the PS3 unit from NewEgg on September 17th, 2010, when she actually bought it March 7th, 2011, nearly six months later, making it seem like the service plan has expired. NewEgg is trying to argue it isn't their problem, even though they would have been the one to scan it, and are demanding the service contract number (which naturally I can't find). So far I've sent them the incident number from Sony to confirm everything I'd already said, and they're trying a little less hard to weasel out responsibility.
But in the meantime we don't have a working PS3 and Daddy is Not Happy.
video games,
life sucks