Sales Report, February 2016

Mar 01, 2016 20:22

Summary: Well that sucked, or maybe it didn't. Only 8 sales, but I had about 600 KOLL pages read, which would sound more impressive if Amazon would deign to actually tell me what they're paying per page.

Things to Do: Still working on Shadow of Doubt which is coming along (relatively) quickly. Hoping to have it down within a month if I'm lucky.

Sales Report: KDP/KOLL

Captive of the Red Vixen: 0/466

For Your Safety: 3/0

Prisoners of War: 0/134 (0/20 DE)

Shadow of Her Sins: 1/0

Shadow of the Red Vixen: 1/1

The Dragon’s Companion: 1/0

Teal's War: 1/0

Unexpected Diversions: 1/0

Total Sales: 8/601

dragon's companion, for your safety, the long tail, shadow of doubt, the new media, writing, red vixen, pow

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