Recently managed to find a couple of public links to a few of my old Pyramid Online articles that I managed to get published before it transformed into a PDF only publication.
Update: Fixed a bad link and added two more, plus some stubs.
Scrapyard Battles. : The old BBC/TLC program Scrapyard Challenge/Junkyard Wars translated into GURPS Discworld terms.
Supporting Cast: Deacon Paul, Bioroid Rights Activist: An artificial person rights activist for Transhuman Space.
Characters and Campaigns on Colony Worlds for GURPS Space: My very first published article.
Mog the Half-Orc's Fighting Pit: A pit fighting ring in the GURPS Banestorm setting.
The Dustmaster, Road Trains for Transhuman Space: Article stub for Martian road trains.
Weird Prisons as Campaign Settings: Article stub, exactly what it says on the tin.