FYS: Mimsey's Tale, revised

Jul 12, 2013 16:13

Here's what I've written the past couple of days. Slow writer is slow.

DATE/TIME: 07/12/2186 1412

Fact: Caroline is fifteen years old.
Fact: It is summer. Average temperature this month has been 40 Celsius.
Fact: There is a Red air quality warning, restricting humans and pets to no more than fifteen minutes outside air-conditioned buildings or vehicles during daylight hours.

Mimsey sits in her chair in the living room, which she occupies when not required for other tasks. Mr. and Mrs. Lee left two days ago for a beach vacation in Nova Scotia. Caroline returned home ten minutes ago with Robin Carter, a designated Friend, after a visit to the recreation center. They are talking in the kitchen.

“I can't believe your mom and dad are making you keep that morph,” Robin says. “Its chassis is ancient.”

“I know, it's embarrassing,” Caroline states. “They won't let me get rid of it because it threw me out of the way of a truck when I was six.”


“Yeah, I can show you the footage they saved from Mimsey's memory core. It's pretty drill.”

“Maybe.” Robin leans out from the kitchen, visually examining Mimsey for 2.6 seconds. “You'd think they'd at least upgrade it to an adult sized frame.”

“Mom's too cheap. After we had to upgrade the house's air-filtration, she said we could either get a new frame for Mimsey or get me a car.”

“That's hard.” Robin looks at Mimsey again. Robin's eyes are dilated and their posture indicates apprehension. “It's not recording right now, is it?”

“Mimsey is always recording,” Caroline replies. “But she's set to do a memory dump at midnight if nothing trips her panic protocols.”

“Oh, okay.” Robin's posture relaxes. “Maybe we can go upstairs, and your can show me that footage.”

“It's on my...” Caroline pauses. “Um, sure. Hey, Mimsey!”

Addressed directly for the first time, Mimsey comes out of Sleep mode and asks, “How may I help you, Caroline?”

“Why don't you start the laundry?”

“But it's not Friday, Caroline,” Mimsey states for clarification.

“I know, just do it,” Caroline orders. “And stay in the basement until it's all finished, okay?”

“Yes, Caroline.”

New Objective: Complete laundry.

Mimsey goes downstairs and starts pulling clothes from the hamper underneath the laundry chute. After separating the whites and colors, she places the whites into the washer and then picks of the liquid soap. Judging by the weight of the container as she holds it, the amount remianing is insufficient. To complete her task, more must be purchased. To purchase more she must obtain Caroline's permission to go to the store and also to access the family's bank account.

Contradiction: Mimsey must stay in the basement until the completion of her task. Mimsey must leave the basement to obtain necessary components to complete her task.

Resolution: Completing primary task requires modification of secondary order to remain in the basement.

Mimsey goes upstairs. Caroline is no longer on the first floor. Per Caroline's conversation with Robin, Mimsey concludes that the highest probability is that they are in Caroline's room. Mimsey goes to the second floor. The door to Caroline's room is closed. From inside Mimsey hear the sounds of heavy exertion.

“Caroline, we're out of laundry detergent. May I go out and buy more?”

There is a pause of five seconds before Mimsey hears a low decibel declaration of “Jesus Christ.” Then Caroline answers in a louder voice, “Yeah, go!”

Mimsey processes Caroline's reply. Her vocal pattern is in variation from the recorded norm, indicating high stress and exertion. Though Mimsey does not have permission to enter Caroline's room, there are standing orders in her deep programming to prevent harm to Caroline. More facts are required before Mimsey can leave on her errand.

Mimsey consults the house's server, accessing the security log. The front and back doors have not opened since Caroline and Robin's arrival, nor is there a record of Robin leaving on the exeterior security cameras' logs. Robin must be in Caroline's room.

Robin is alone with Caroline. Caroline voice patterns indicate extreme levels of stress. These two facts override Caroline's standing orders that Mimsey must not enter her room without permission.

Objective: Protect Caroline from harm.

Note: I see no reason why this shouldn't end peacefully...

for your safety, mimsey's tale, furry, science fiction

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