365 Days of Drabbles: Day Seventy + Seventy One

Mar 11, 2013 00:01

Another double post. Couldn't do this one justice in only one hundred words.

For colliemommie "Acceptable losses"

He was a dog of war. He had borne his country's flag through North Korea, Haiti, and New Baja. His onboard memory held the experience of ten thousand soldier morphs to guide his rifle and achieve his goals.

But now he stood on the eve of battle bare pawed with a thousand of his brothers, as Commander Groupmind spoke into his brain.

The opposition retains dumb mortar projectiles, plus non-networked rifles and grenades. You will cross one kilometer of open field, which is likely mined, before climbing the fence. The remnants of the first wave will be destroyed as they short out its electrical charge, while the second waves climbs over them to reach the defenders.

Your goal is to disarm and restrain. Remove the weapons from their hands and prevent them from self-harming before they can be detained. Assist in providing any first aid they may require.

They will curse and spit on you, and they will destroy you by the hundreds, but remember it is for the greater good. You will die so Humanity might live. You will save the world.


He charged out of the woods with his brothers into a hail of gunfire.

To glory.

writing, for your safety, war, drabbles, science fiction

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