Sat, 14:22: Three women. Random Thomson/Thompson obstacle, Castaflore and Tintin's landlady. I also think there were a few in the …
Sat, 14:32: "Whaddya ya mean you built a house on top of my family's bunker?! It's my land!" "Well, you weren't using the bits up …
Sat, 14:48: Ponders . I can make use of all three in one drabble, but I am trying to keep this PG-13. ;p…
Sat, 14:49: I forget, do you have anything Tez & Maria shortly after the birth of their first child? Not yet. Daddy Tez Would be …
Sun, 04:16: I watched them Thanksgiving Day as an alternative to the Macy's Day Parade. It didn't hurt that I tend to wake up at …