Jun 05, 2007 14:08
It tends to always be this way: days go by, I check others blogs, dabble in the possibility of typing a sentence or two, then become distracted by something flitting about and realize months later that I never did fulfill my attempt to post.
So being that I am currently situated in a Dunn Bros. Coffeehouse while waiting for my lovely lady to finish up with patients and classes for the day, I am going to assemble an update, or at least what will be a semblance of one, as to what has been going on in my life recently. Here goes (I reserve the right to be as sentimental and sappy as possible):
1.) Fell in love with and moved to Minnesota to be with the most amazing woman. I never saw this coming when I moved out here for graduate school, but it is strange what plans are held to be delivered at the perfect moment. Seven months and counting!
2.) Gained employment at Northwest Hennepin Human Services Council as their Research & Planning Coordinator. That lasted a grand 2 1/2 months before the executive director/immediate boss decided that my personal life was her business to know since supposedly "people in the network" might ask and she would need an explanation. Sure they would! Thus the job hunt has resumed.
3.) Have taken up learning the Mandarin Chinese language, albeit slowly and arduously, so that I will be able to properly understand what is precisely being said around the dinner table each evening. Thank goodness Amy's grandmother loves me, I think, and is willing to tutor me each week. I did receive a glimmer of hope when Amy's brother-in-law informed me that the language might not be THE hardest to learn. Hurray!
4.) Discovered that lion dancing is one of the best cardio/weight lifting exercises period. If you do not understand what I am speaking of, just keyword Lion Dance on YouTube! and you will see. Or you could simply find a retired lion dancer, or live next to a family from Vietnam, China, or other east Asian country whose family regularly puts on such performances. Speaking of which I am really looking forward to performing in the Ha Family show in early September.
5.) Contemplation of pursuing a PhD has been swirling in my head lately after talking to a friend of Amy's about her boyfriend's pursuit of his doctorate. It would only be 4-7 more years and likely little debt since if whichever program believes me to be worthy (aka Intelligent enough!) and would offer up a TA position and stipend to cover the costs. At the moment the idea is great, but the practicality is overwhelming!
6.) I will be back in Santa Maria beginning on July 3rd and continuing to the 10th or 11th. No plane flight back to Minnesota confirmed yet, but I am really looking forward to seeing as many people as possible at Cari's wedding.
Hmm...that appears to be it for now! Ming tian jian!