[365days: Day 23] It's a woman ...

Jan 23, 2010 19:53

For a person who supposedly doesn't read much meta, I've managed to keep myself interested in the recent meta discussions. Nothing too heavy today, thought; mostly a question to myself.

Self, why don't you write women?

Seriously, I hadn't realized the lack of female characters in my fanfic. I'd like to say it relates to my genderless-ish issues, but that wouldn't explain why I mainly read slash, then male-centered gen, then male-centered het, and never ever femslash. :(. I've been trying to name my favorite female character, and alas! None comes. I think the closest I've ever come to include female characters in my fav fandom is via secretly!woman, in The Three Musketeers (the anime version). Furthermore, genderfuck MTF is kinda uncomfortable for me to read except for a few exceptions, and FTM is even worst.

I'm going to say it is because I don't like to be remembered of the existence of genres. To me, as long as it doesn't get mentioned, I can keep the male-female concepts out of my mind (ETA: due to me being genderless). And I'm not a hundred percent sure, but I think the being uncomfortable while reading female characters involved in sex relates to me being able to conceptually self-identify with the female body while feeling alien to the responses/behavior as portrayed in the fic/movie/book (ETA: due to me being asexual). At least when I read from the male perspective, I don't have a point of comparison, and am thus able to accept whatever the author writes (within limits, of course, and depending on the author's skill).

(btw, the only male/female relationship i've ever paired is x-men remy/rogue, and it might be because it was utterly fucked up :\)

ETA2: And before it gets ugly, I don't claim that my thoughts/feelings (of how being asexual AND genderless colors what I read/write) are the same for every asexual/genderless person. There isn't just one unique asexual/genderless experience, okay? OK.

Also, I have nothing against people who likes the stories (genres?) I listed there. In fact, to be fair, I have to say that PWP, h/c and romance, when they are the main point in the story, also make me kinda uncomfortable ... and I blame those to me being asexual, schizoid and aromantic, respectively. And baiting in fic makes me see red, 'cause I'm a Libra :).

This entry is also posted at DW.

challenge: 365days, personal: gender, random: meta & wank, personal: asexuality, where: dw & lj

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