Those in my f-list/r-circle interested in the AO3 most probably already got an account, so I'll apologize to the ones who had to follow the queue-route when I could have shared the one invite code I received. Of course, that means that I still have it, so if you're looking for one, just ask! :)
Also, I have had my own AO3 account for almost a year now (my anniversary is on November 26 :D), so I might be able to answer those questions that dealing with a new site brings up. Of course, some options are so new that I haven't had a chance to use all of them, but I can very probably tell you if something is a known bug, if it is being fixed as we talk, if what you suggest has been discussed already (and what the decision was), which options are live and which ones are to come, etc.
I only have 19 of my works up (two of them new, the others among my oldest ones, from 2005), and most I still have to proofread, but that's because I'm planning to beta and finish all my WIPs before/short after I add them to the AO3 (I know ... :|). I actually posted many of my stories during the Test (last month, before the Open Beta), but they were deleted.
Nonetheless, I already knew this was to happen, as I did it to help test the Upload from URL thingy. It almost works like a charm right now -- there still are some bugs, but they are being fixed :D. This means you can simply give the AO3 the URLs of your FFNet, LJ, DW (and other journals/archives) stories, and most of the info will automatically go to the right sites: title, characters, fandom, tags. You'll probably have to manually tweak a couple ones, but if you use the Feedback form to inform about them, they'll very probably get fixed in the future.
So, welcome to the Archive Of Our Own! Enjoy! My username there is ghostwriter, and I have two pseudonyms:
898700 (for all the fics I had previously posted under my Jerico Cacaw pen name), and
ghostwriter (for the fics I co-wrote with
littlefurryguy under my Ghost Writer pen name).
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