This entry doesn't have a subject line!!! [... wait]

Oct 15, 2009 22:19

Deja vú!

But that's only because about half of my DW's reading circle intersects with about a tenth of my LJ's F-list.

And, ah. What does it say about me that I didn't found the Most Annoying Web Page annoying at all? Follow that link and share it only on under at your own risk! (I'm not sure I wrote that phrase right. Fellow English speakers: help?) Don't worry, it is safe for work ... unless you curse a lot when annoyed.

(and because I don't want to make you suffer, 'cause I really am a good person, I swear: if you get really annoyed, just keep your finger on ESC for a couple seconds)

This entry is also posted at DW.

random random, site: livejournal, site: dreamwidth, where: dw & lj

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