Damn ...

Jun 04, 2009 23:53

It seems we needed to be reminded of a fact: the A/H1N1 flu virus is not gone. Today I stood at my nephew's school entrance for fifteen minutes as the parent half on the "teacher/parent squad against the flu", squirting antibacterial alcohol gel in the kids' hands while the teacher tried to discern if they presented any flu-related symptoms.

See, eleven schools in my State presented 'might-be-the-flu' cases this week. Four kids in one school have been confirmed as positive. Another school where 26 students are being tested suspended classes since Tuesday. The K-12 part of my nephew's school will not have classes on Friday. As a couple other States all over Mexico are suspending classes too, a conclusion has been reached: schools did suspend their special measures too early (two weeks ago), and so they will return and stay until July 14, the last day of the school year.


I thought this had ended, guys.

[as part of BLITEOTW 2009, this post includes both truth and fiction]

challenge: bliteotw, h1n1 flu, where: dw & lj

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