An Edward Scissorhands icon from
greenwillow27's comment in my last post made me remember I hadn't mentioned this: I'm reading Mary Shelley's
Frankenstein; or, the Modern Prometheus. I've been reading it slowly, as it is my 'waiting-in-the-car' book (the one I keep in the car for those times I have to wait for my nephew or mother), and five pages a week is about my average speed.
Notice: I usually read faster. The last Harry Potter books were read by me in a day and a half each (the firs time; the next times I read more slowly), and the second part of The Three Musketeers lasted me a night. But I think I'm enjoying it more like this. I haven't seen a Frankenstein movie, ever; I've seen the monster used as one among many characters, or as part of parodies and assorted horror flicks. The point in the story I'm currently in just hinted his existence, so far, but has painted an interesting background to the society and times that gave him (it?) birth.
Also, I now think the word 'bromance' originally refers to Victorian male/male friendships :P (can those times be called 'Victorian'? I fear history lessons never stuck in my brain).