Blog Every Day April (BEDA) day 29/30

Apr 29, 2009 21:32

First, I changed my mexican swine flu tag because I never felt comfortable calling this sickness that. So, thanks to the WHO's request to call it H1N1 flu instead, now I have a new (and officially approved) option :).

Second, I know this is all really srs bsns, but I've been facing this srs bsns most of my day for many days now, and srsly, it is really really tiring. Srsly. So instead of talking about this here every day too (I want to, but my brain is turning into mush), I'll start taking notes to use in this year's posts during BLITEOTW. And srsly, people, if you don't know what blog like it is the end of the world is, you should read about it.

[because zombies are srs bsns too]


challenge: bliteotw, challenge: beda, h1n1 flu, where: dw & lj

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