The Advertising Slogan Generator

Aug 08, 2008 12:20

Haha, Oh My God. This is amazing. I was playing with the The Advertising Slogan Generator, trying some of my favorite characters from many fandoms. The results are pure crack:

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
8 out of 10 Owners who Expressed a Preference said Their Cats Preferred Leo
Keep That Leo Complexion
Make Leo Yours
There's Only One Leo <-- *nod nod*

High School Musical
Life's Pretty Straight Without Ryan <-- Is spooky how accurate this thing is
Sometimes You Feel Like a Ryan, Sometimes You Don't
What Can Ryan Do For You?
Unzip a Ryan

Justice League
A Flash Is Forever
America's Most Trusted Flash
Melts In Your Flash, Not In Your Hand
A Wally's Too Wet Without One <-- That's too NC-17, even for me

House MD
Because Wilson Can't Drive <-- This belongs to the sick!Wilson comm
I Liked The Wilson So Much, I Bought The Company
The Curiously Strong Wilson
Strong and Beautiful, Just Like Wilson

Star Trek: The Original Series
Tough on Dirt, Gentle on Spock
Can't Do It In Real Life? Do It On Spock
Spock Keeps Going and Going
Wouldn't You Rather Be Spock?<-- Yes I would

Gambit - It Looks Good on You
My Goodness, My Gambit
The Cream of Gambit
Is Gambit In You? <-- I think this generator has a thing for Remy ...

Real Ghostbusters
You'll Look a Little Lovelier Each Day with Fabulous Pink Egon <-- How did it know??
The Incredible, Edible Egon
Get the Egon Habit
It's Not All Egon, Egon, Egon

Harry Potter
The Future's Bright. The Future's Snape
Please Don't Squeeze The Snape
Be Like Dad, Keep Snape <-- Dumbledore's child? Or Voldemord's?
Behold the Power of Snape

Would You Give Someone Your Last Mohinder?
Only Mohinder Can Prevent Forest Fires
Because Mohinder is Complicated Enough
Daddy or Mohinder <-- Aww, Molly =P

fandoms: high school musical, fandoms: dc comics, fandom: heroes, fandom: x men, link rec, fandom: harry potter, fandom: ghostbusters, this is funny, fandoms: house md, fandom: star trek

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