(no subject)

Oct 29, 2006 10:34

Writing in this thing anymore is about as fulfilling as my current job. Read: not fulfilling. I am currently hiding out from my ever-exciting job as dish washer/lab aide to update an online blog (ugh, I hate that word) that I doubt anybody reads anymore. Where are the Catmoes of the world? The Tim Whites ranting about Brandeis and rubber-neck drivers? Gone with the simultaneous freedom/constraint of McGloin Hall and Mama Cass.
I don't want to speak for any of my peers, although I would love DBK's power of attorney, but is anybody else feeling the age? I'm talking about small things like an inability to run 6 miles without your knee bothering you just a little bit. I wonder when Michael Jordan first felt that kind of thing (at least he has 6 championships to show for it). I'm talking about going to a party and realizing the majority of the people attending have only a vague memory of the original Nintendo, not to mention Atari. All that aside, getting old really doesn't bother me THAT much, it's just that I'm starting to stand up and take notice.
Why move back to Omaha, you might ask. Why, indeed? I give the standard "ah, it's where med. school is" and "well, internship was over, etc."...and both of these are true. But more to the point I feel like moving back was representative of my life. I was leaving something for a short while for an opportunity that wasn't really there. In less cryptic terms: I really enjoyed my internship down in Tucson. I loved the people I met and lived with...Alex, Lee, holla. But really my life is in the Midwest. I feel like that makes me pretty boring, and I've come to terms with the fact that I am not all that exciting of an individual.
I can crack a joke every once in awhile and I have a handful of people that appreciate my company, but really I don't have the stones to take off and move to another country or change careers...not that my career is set in stone at the moment but I feel like medical school is definitive for me anymore. More to the point, I hate the feeling of being "the average pre-med that only cares for GPA, interviews, and the two initials." I can stand being a little boring, but being a tool is unacceptable.
I care about so few things anymore. Really my future career, my good friends (that handful), and the girl with whom I am currently in crush (term?). The latter is another uninteresting story for another day. When did I become so uninteresting? Was I always this way? How do I return to my former personality, or rather to my former self-image of interesting dude? Stifling environment breeds a stifled individual.
I don't believe I have the hutspah to take off and move to another country just yet, but I do believe another land (however long I was there) would do me more good than another five months here. On that note, of course I wouldn't leave Omaha for good, I simply feel as if I owe it to myself to visit new lands while I have the time (despite the absence of monies).
I'd like to move to Mississippi and fall in love with a girl from a small town that will entertain my ridiculous ideas and travel with me. Maybe I should visit Daven in Hawaii, as well. Would anyone be interested (as if anyone will respond)?
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