May 05, 2005 22:36
Well I am here at Mary's house being a watchdog cuz my uncle is a piece of crap and an alcoholic. My aunt really needs me right now cuz he kirks out and tells her that she needs phsyciatric help when HE is the one who desperately needs help. He is an alchy who talks to himself lke he is doing right now. My aunt needs to sleep so that she can go to work at 4:30..even though i have to go to school my aunts sleep and safety is more imprtant to me. i am sooo scared, my hands are freakin more shakey than they are usually. I'm talkin to Jeff (my friend from work)and he is really treying to make me feel better he wants to take a cab over here just to stay the night with me cuz he would really help me..I just need him to be here and like hold me or something to tell me everything is ok....ughhh he just came up here telling me that we both need help and then he walks stumbly away saying "you'll'll see" and i was like "whats that mean?!? you better not be threatening me!!" I swear man he needs to get a life. Well I think Im gonna go and try to calm down ya