Jan 25, 2010 07:05
I am on a 6 word memoir kick right now. A 6 word memoir is when you write about something using only 6 words, no more and no less. "Live honestly, you will be free" came to me as I watched a movie called "The Order." That movie stars Heath Ledger as a priest who goes to Rome in order to investigate the death of a fellow priest, who happens to be his friend and mentor. Throughout the movie, he not only learns about something that the church has kept secret but, he also learns a lot about himself. One of the themes that came up from time to time or, at least something that I gleaned from it and wouldn't let go of was this: You have to be completely honest with yourself (and those around you) in order to be free. When you lie to yourself and/or to those around you, you start to feel guilty and that manifests itself as sin.To try and summarize a concept that Richelle Mead attempts to get across in her Georgina Kincaid series, sin isn't about breaking a rule that God gave you to follow. Sin is more about the negative feelings you hold on to pertaining to something you did. If you take $5 from your friend without asking, your going to feel guilty about it. You could avoid all of that guilt by going up to your friend and asking for $5. If you already took the $5, it's better to tell the friend about it and free yourself of that sin. When you are honest, you free yourself to be the real you. Otherwise, you end up being a person who lies and lives in the shadows or who they are really meant to be. Which option is more healthy in the long run? Is that sin really worth the effort? All of us have sin in our lives, both conscious and unconscious. The trick is to take a good hard look within ourselves in order to discover the sins that we can release. When we do that, we will be able to become the person we were truly meant to be.