Nov 11, 2008 12:22
From an LA Times article:
"Sherrie Derriko, a longtime Saddleback Church member and hair salon owner from Mission Viejo, said she was bothered that protesters had targeted houses of worship. As she drove by, she rolled down her window to offer some advice.
"Read the Bible. God made man and woman, and that's what a marriage is," she called from inside her SUV.
Derriko recounted the incident after attending services. "When we saw them out there, we thought, 'Why are they not over this? Do they think they're going to change anything, or are they just stirring up trouble at our church?' "
Indeed, you tell them Sherrie!
Losing your civil rights is so last Tuesday. Why are you not over this?
no on 8,
gay rights,
gay marriage