Nov 07, 2008 12:47
My kitchen sink is leaking badly now. I had floodwaters twice yesterday across my kitchen floor; like tides they came in the morning and the evening.
The McCain supporting manager came up, took away the wet towel, and helped me shut off the valves. (I know how, but McCain supporters don't believe Obama supporters know anything, so....) I blew a heavy duty fan on the wet boards under the sink after he left, then raised taxes on the middle class and yelled, "Bwa-ha-ha-ha!"
Apparently the owner hasn't committed to obtaining a new faucet yet. I have moved into exactly what I figured I'd be moving into, a "ghetto" investment for an uncaring, money-grubbing, trickle-down-theory Reagan Revolution landlord.
I don't care for now. There's too much going on to care much about a leaky sink. But soon I will grow tired of this, and then I will go scream about it outside the CNN building. Storm the barricades. The go to Applebee's.
I want to sleep. After this week, all I want to do is sleep. But I await notes instead on the wonderful script I'm writing. Haven't heard anything yet, so perhaps by this evening?
new apartment,