It does get better...

Oct 20, 2011 20:52

For example, yesterday when I woke up I discovered my cat had thrown up on the rug I just laundered last week.

This morning when I woke up he'd thrown up on the hard wood floor, which was much easier to clean.


It's too bad Herman Cain didn't wait until after he'd won the Republican nomination to let people know that he's pro-choice (except when he's not pro-choice). He could have split the vote like he split his decision.


I mentioned the other day that I had to work in glue fumes for the first hour of my day. YESTERDAY it got worse. I came to work and the smell was back. Or so I thought. Turns out they'd painted over night. Only by my cubicle, though. (Well, there are just three cubes that share this wall, but the other people are in and out of the cubicles all day. Only I had to sit there the whole time.)

I spent three hours working in paint fumes before they finally brought some fans by. I would get away and deep breathe whenever I could, but fro about the last hour and a half I couldn't move.

It did get better after that, with a small fan in my cubicle and two larger fans out in the hallway.

I told one of my co-workers I expected to show up today with my cubicle just filled up with toxic sludge.

(That didn't actually happen.)


Here are some pictures of some of four of the six lovely creatures that survived yesterday's tragic slaughter in Ohio.

Pretty leopard, monkeys, and little grizzly. I hope it gets better for you.

abortion, animals, republicans, suicide, herman cain, work

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