Apr 14, 2006 14:58
So, last night I was taking my constitutional around the block. Very nice walk, very nice weather, very nice neighborhood. It was a wholly pleasant experience. Anyway, while I was walking west on 800 north I saw a jeep filled with teen girls waiting for the street to clear so they could make a left turn. They were boisterous as I was walking toward them, and then two of them hung themselves out the passenger window and began hollering at me.
I was embarassed for them, so I tried to ignore them - y'know, looking all around like I'm thinking of something else and so on. They just got louder until I was parallel with their car, and one girl shouted "YOU! I'M TALKING TO YOU, SEXY!" I turned around and yelled back, "YOU'RE TALKING TO A GAY MAN!"
I kept walking and I heard shrieking behind me, but I didn't care. A few minutes later I realized that I COULD have just pouted my lips at her and winked an eye, and she would have been thrilled and it would make her whole night. I COULD have done that easily.
But it felt SO GOOD to just scream out the truth! I feel comfortable screaming to people that I'm gay! I proud of it! I'm happy with myself because of it. I've accepted it. And it felt good to yell that.