I watched the movie last night. I felt it was almost as depressing as the book.
(Previous feelings on the book here:
I did not care at all one way or the other about anyone in this film except Agnes. She was the only person who exhibited a positive change, the only person worthy of love, the only person who deserved to scream, the only person whose scream meant anything during the convocation of screams.
The character of Augusten was cleaned up for the movie, from the book, and I didn't believe in him at all. Beyond his cute nubby nose I found him to have nothing as a person. Alec Baldwin was fine for his small role, and I don't balme the character one bit for wanting out of the marriage. She was freakin' crazy. I felt a tiny bit sorry for her when she was so doped up that she ate a candle, but felt that was more a comment on the 70s more than anything else. She was utterly selfish all the way through, and treated her son like a husband, foisting on him some of the responsibilities that should never be his. It was a hopeless dreary film. The menu music makes it sound all bright and humerous, but it is NOT!
As I said, Agnes was the only one I felt anything for, and felt deserved any sympathy or emotion from the audience. She was her own person, and aware of others. She served, even when she was being taken advantage of. She cared for others, she asserted herself three times that I can think of. She was the least pretty woman in the film, but by the end her actions and persona and character made her seem the most beautiful. Unfortunately, that's not enough to warrent me reccommending the film to anyone.