Jun 19, 2005 05:27
Ever heard the expression, you don't know whathca got until it's gone? I'm sure most of you have, but are you like me and only think about it after you lose something or more importantly, someone? I haven't lost anyone or anything recently, but I have kept this thought on my mind. People need to remember thoughts like this before you lose someone. Instead of doing something dumb and messing up a great thing, think about how your life would be like w/out that person in your life. Also, don't sweat the small stuff. I hate hearing people complaining about working x amount of days in a row or not having a day off until next Thursday or whatever the case is. First, work is WORK! No one has a job that's that horrible. Believe me, you could have a much crappier job and have no choice but to go in everyday, no matter how mean your boss is or how many days in a row you have to work. So suck it up, damn.
So I guess my thought of the day is, try everyday to be a better person. No one is perfect, but no one expects you to be. Do something nice for someone and you'll feel great about yourself. Love everyone that is lucky enough to know you and be in your life, and show that love. Finally, don't hold your feelings in. You feel so much better after spilling your guts to someone. So, until next time...