(no subject)

Aug 14, 2009 23:50

Right, so tomorrow I'm off on my holybags for a week with no tinternet. Hmmmmm. Withdrawl will be a bitch methinks...BYE! LOVE YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOU!

PS. I love you. Shame about the film.
PPS. I love the book The Time Traveler's Wife. Have done for years, read it first in 3 days, then read it twice more and have waited for aaaaaaages for the film. Saw it tonight, bawled like a baby. Of course they had to miss bits out but I kinda know them off by heart in my head if you know what I mean. And there are just lines of character naration that I adore and were never going to be put in anyway. And I think sis was slightly annoyed also at how undirty it was, cause it is quite a risque book but w/e. I love them both in their own ways. And Eric Bana is scrrrrrrrrrrrrummy. And Rachel McAdams suprised me with how good a Claire she was.
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