Tweets, one day at a time

Feb 24, 2009 22:01

  • 07:51 It's a pretty morning. Cold though, need my heavy jacket. Looking forward to spring.
  • 08:46 I need to find something to cheer me up this morning
  • 09:48 Feeling slightly better now, I think the coffee helped. The 8.5% raise of the company stock doesn't hurt either.
  • 10:25 not sure how I feel about safari 4s implementation of tabs
  • 11:07 tabs in safari for windows (4) are equally as annoying as the mac
  • 11:50 crap, passed 2,000 twitter updates 5 tweets ago, and didn't even realize it
  • 11:59 Pondering pancakes for dinner for Shrove Tuesday... or maybe a garbage plate
  • 16:05 day had gotten a lot better since this morning, and I get to go home in an hour!
  • 16:32 RT @lancearmstrong: Robin William's is now on twitter. @roadrider57. I told him he has to update it!
  • 18:01 Dave Zabriski's list of items stolen. Seriously people, you aren't going to get away with this:
  • 18:37 Really excited to get back into cycling after the #ATOC. Too bad it's 22F outside here in upstate NY. Warmer weather around the corner.
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