Feb 23, 2005 21:52
Well, over the past three days, a lot has changed. First of all, I have started playing WoW again. And I am playing on a RP server. ":P" to all you power-gamers. Anyway, on monday night, I attended a Roleplay thing in Iron Forge. The character putting it on played a scholar who doesn't quest or kill stuff. He just roleplays all the time. In RP, that is the freaking pinacle of coolness, in non-RP I think it is called the "freaking pinacle of nerdy-ness".
So, I roll up a character to go to this thing. It is 7:45, and the RP starts at 8:00. So, I create a Dwarf Priest, and start running for Iron Forge, and think up the character along the way. A retired Paladin. The Pallys are so damn common, you would suppose that there would be an old one or two lying around.
I run in two minutes late, and there are only two people there. The one holding this event, a Human mage named Forek, and a high level NE rougue. Despite the lack of people, I had a great time RPing with this guy. The two NEs (another one showed up halfway through)just stood there holding hands.
Damn'it, I have to go to bed. I will continue this tomarow.