Feb 06, 2006 22:48
Hey people,
doesnt it kinda seem like this whole journal thing is going downhill for people. Seems like more people are going for myspace Vs anything, witch is compleately normal cause u cant do to much on livejournal without haveing to pay for it.
Im currently at work right now, nicole just left and now im bored. Seems to be trend with me i guessm i get bored and try to do somewhat of an update.
I go back to flight on Thursday, it will be nice to back to normal work but at the same time i know what flight is like and i will want to get out of here ASAP. I'm "trying" to teach peoiple up here how do do this whole Pass And Registration thing, but some people i just dont know about???? Its like awhole new world to them, useing computers that is. And not to like put them out there or anything,but its mainly people over the age of 25 that have a the hardest time with it. Like they have never looked at a computer brofe in their life?? I guess i will have to deal and just leave with the intentions of comming back cause they can't do it.
Other tha that people im just doing the same ol thing here. not to much to talk about i guess, nothing uinteresting enough to place on here anyway. Well, i miss everyone and i hope to home in april for those of you who care!! TTYL.