Jun 23, 2010 07:01
- 13:45 @ thejillthompson Read that as Quesadadillas... #
- 13:47 @ DavidForbes Thurs! Good lard, arrived quickly. Drat. Good journey and see you on the return! #
- 19:15 Geekgasm per @voraciousbrain bit.ly/aphHrF #
- 19:40 @ jonathanammons Isn't it though? First few notes, any time, anywhere, and the effects hit me. #
- 19:45 @ jzellis Yup, that's Avl. My adult memory paints it the same way. #
- 20:13 listening to "King Crimson - In the Court of the Crimson King" ♫ blip.fm/~sggbn #
- 20:15 listening to "Toots And The Maytals (with Bootsy Collins and The Roots) - Funky Kingston" ♫ blip.fm/~sgge7 #
- 20:24 Danger Doom - Sofa King ♫ blip.fm/~sggsu #
- 20:32 listening to "Arthur, the Gatto" ♫ blip.fm/~sgh7g #
- 20:40 listening to "Morphine - I'm Yours, You're Mine" ♫ blip.fm/~sghlg #
- 20:44 listening to "Miles Davis - Bitches Brew" ♫ blip.fm/~sghsj #
- 21:00 Man, I'd take explosive diarrhea over implosive diarrhea any day. #
- 21:38 Hasn't gottem old yet: www.hulu.com/watch/149646/saturday-night-live-digital-short-great-day #
- 22:09 Doug Stanhope reaffirms my hope in humanity. #
- 22:11 "It's not A.D.D. I'm thinking." #
- 22:12 You lot in San Fran take care of our @DavidForbes, or it's the rack for ye. #
- 22:19 @ DavidForbes Goddamn right. #
- 22:22 Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.... "At least black people knew when they were slaves. YOU remain CLUELESS." #
- 22:24 "Dummy. You die at the end. Didn't anyone tell ya?" #
- 22:27 "Jesus died for your sins. I'm doing it for your mere entertainment dollar. That's far more admirable. Jesus never made ya laugh." Ok, done. #
- 22:31 @ cynthia__r Ha! Swell. #
- 22:32 @ voraciousbrain INDEEDY. #
- 22:37 "Y'know that new Nazi? He used to be A POPE!" "No shit? I' fuckin' outta here. That's guy's DANGEROUS." Sorry, maybe fin... #
- 22:58 BC Josh rocks. RT @coilhouse New blog post: Joshua Ellis Presents Dbasr coilhouse.net/2010/06/joshua-ellis-presents-dbasr/ #
- 23:16 @ thegrumpyowl I feel like a humid rag. Too damped for work. #
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