Jan 26, 2006 03:07
So being the money-greedy person that I am (mostly due to the minor heartattacks I have every time I receive my bills) I'm currently at work from midnight-8am. This is to be followed by a day of classes from 9:45-5:30. Thankfully there is a 3 hour period where I don't have anything going on, so you'll know that I'll be passed out on a couch in the Business Building.
This shift has sucked, since when I arrived there were two things of flyers (which I know the 4:45-midnight shift should have done at least one) and there were these stupid Fraternity Rush Invites that were dropped off that had to be put into the mailboxes for practically every guy in East Halls. So the desk worker and myself worked on those for 2.5 hours. There is still one more set of flyers but we are taking a break from it. This is the worst part of working here (well, besides dealing with certain people) and it is even worse when I'm getting sick. My back and shoulders were aching the entire time, and my lymph nodes in my throat always swell to a huge size and makes me fear the pain everytime I need to swallow. I've only lost my voice once or twice in my life, and it was never for very long, but part of me wishes I would, just cuz I don't feel like talking, and I'll be in even less of a mood to do so throughout tomorrow (or later today, for me).
I guess that's it. I get to meet Rico at 6am to take him around on my rounds and introduce him to some duties of the managers.... CONGRATS AGAIN RICO! I'm looking forward to this partly because it's the last hour or two that I always have the hardest time staying awake and he'll help me.