i went to a really awesome shop called match on the other side of the island. very interesting walk-in humidor with an amazing selection- who would have known that there is a brand of cigar called "anarchy" or flavored cigars with orange and lime highlights. there were also rare wines, mounds and mounds of old, turn-of-the-century sports equipment and typewriters. plus there was a little stack of maybe two or three dozen cds for sale including stuff like rare godspeed you! black emperor eps and a whole mess of quality indie stuff. i got the new black keys cd and it's pretty damn good. and very very good key lime pie.
blues-heavy lo-fi is extremely tasty
goddamn connection is proxied, and i can't seem to get around it. the only ports open are for http and mail so i can't do anything fancy. no instant messenger for jerbol.
and the bastards are censoring my fucking webcomics:
so call me, already! i'm fucking bored here!