9/11 Never Forget... if you love America, Like this.

Sep 12, 2010 04:29

A facebook link one of my friends put up...

Never Forget.

Don't worry, every time I turn around, I'm being reminded. So here was my response.


Well, I guess I don't love America, because I'm not 'liking' that "9/11 Never Forget". That sounds to synonymous with keep a big chip on your shoulder. Compare how long our 'attack' was (was it even an hour, I don't recall), with how long Britain got bombed by the Nazis (around 8 months). They didn't bother with all this sensationalist bull.

And before you counter me about the loss and everything, let me explain something.I lost an aunt and uncle, on the Johnston side, who worked at the Trade Center.

Will we still be oversensitive and up in arms about this in another ten years?

Lets break it down, about 115 people die in car accidents a day (1). 2,977 people died that day, not counting the terrorists (2). That means, that we lost as many americans to automobile related accidents in the next 25 days as we did in the World Trade Center.

Our response to this was brutal and almost insane. We bombed their cities and engaged them in such a massive level, that there isn't even an accurate estimate of the death toll we inflicted.
62,570 to 1,124,000 Iraqi's died in our response (3). That means at the same rate of loss, it would have taken anywhere from 544 days to 9,773 days. So they’re losses, if compared at our automobile death rate currently, they would have taken a bit longer; Just under two years, to over 26.7 years.
Don’t you think that’s a little… excessive? Do you think we’re entitled to respond like that? Do you think that’s the response of a nation based on freedom and respect instead of fear and hate? Look at the numbers and tell me.

9/11 was tragic, but you have to forgive, or it poisons your soul, it hurts you. This is true of nations as well as people. Obviously, we’re not the bigger man in this situation.

(1) http://www.car-accidents.com/pages/stats.html
(2) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/September_11_attacks#Casualties
(3) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/War_on_Terror#Casualties

9/11, politics

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