Nation... WTH?!?!

Apr 01, 2010 19:03

On the response to the healthcare bill...

We're shooting at congressmen now?
We're bricking people's windows?
We're egging buses?

You know, this would be vaguely encouraging if you were doing it for reasons you know and understand. If you weren't being inspired to such action by what you hear on television. It makes me want to shake my finger at you.

Before you respond with the upsides or downsides of this bill, or defend the actions of those popping up in the news, I just have one requirement. READ the bill. Have you done so? Are you operating on any factual information, or just going with what the media or other people tell you? I have no opinion on the bill itself, because I haven't formed one. I have no idea what is in it, yet. I would love it if someone would explain to me what this bill is suggesting, but again, with a requirement. POINT TO IT in the bill itself. They're online, you know, you can read them, and you can tell me what section and paragraph at the very least. So that I can hear your interpretation, then see where it was born from. Otherwise, you're just spouting hearsay and rumor.

To those of you who have taken violent and illegal socially disruptive behavior, have YOU read the bill? If you haven't even read it, I hope they find you, and force you to account for your unwise behavior. Getting fired up about what the government is or isn't doing is very important. What you do when fired up is even more important. There are ways to address this, the elected officials HAVE to account to YOU, the PEOPLE. But we, as a collective country of people, don't require it. We leave it to the judicial branch to manage the executive and legislative branch. And most of the judicial branch ISN'T ELECTED!!! We need to take our game to the next level. We need to stop being a group of idiots and start acting like a civilized and intelligent group of human beings.

I'm all for political activism, but it has to be productive. Don't let the talking heads on T.V. turn into political agitators using misinformation to encourage you to violent or destructive mob tactic responses, where-then they can sit back and deny any and all responsibility for your actions when you get carted off to jail. Bottom line? You will end up being the only one responsible. They're not interested and they don't care about you, they're using you. Don't let them.

Read the Bill.
Explain and educate your fellow Americans by using the facts, information FROM the bill. At least to base your opening arguments on.
Treat those who disagree with your interpretations, beliefs, and view of the facts with respect. Find out WHY they hold opinions that you can't agree with or don't understand.
We're ALL Americans. We ALL have RIGHTS to freedom of speech and freedom to practice democracy. We cannot assure survival of those rights by creating a sense of fear for those who disagree with our views. That's what tyrants do. That's the exact opposite of liberty for all.
Seriously, tighten it up, Nation, tighten your game UP.


opinion, health care reform, usa, america, politics

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